Friday, July 10, 2009

With our departure for Japan just days away, the Marcia Foundation and the Trebol U15 Girls team would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped make this soccer exchange possible, starting with the family, friends, and neighbors who sent in donations to the Marcia Foundation and who purchased coffee and tickets to the Disco Ball and Beef O’Brady events. THANK YOU!!!!!

To the Trebol Soccer Club, especially the support from the Trebol U12 Girls team (sister team to the U15 girls team), and Pancho Hansen, Karen Logan, and Scott Scheifele (thanks for the gifts, Scott, for Club Sanvino). THANK YOU!!!!!

To Bill Patterson, who from the goodness of his heart and with his wonderful artistic skill, made delightful gifts for the Sanvino host families. And to David and Dann Cuin for their lovely glass works. THANK YOU!!!!!

To Beef O’Brady’s and US 36 Commuting Solutions for giving our girls the opportunity to raise funds for the trip. THANK YOU!!!!!

To Kayla Matino’s godfather, George Lee, who made it possible for girls to look sharp in their matching white polo shirts, and to EmbroiderMe for adding a special touch to the shirts. THANK YOU!!!!!

To Boulder Beer for helping with libations for the Disco Ball, to Steve Robertson for organizing the bash and for his excellent DJ’ing talents, and to Lorri Robertson for graciously hosting the after-party, soccer-watching get-together. THANK YOU!!!!!

To the City of Louisville and the City of Lafayette, both for rolling out the red carpet when club Sanvino visited here in March, and for the wonderful proclamations and messages of friendship that they are sending us with to Arao. THANK YOU!!!!!

To the executives at Peter Matino’s company, who dug into their own wallets to help sponsor our trip. THANK YOU!!!!!

To the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, for giving us a booth at the Family Fun Festival. THANK YOU!!!!!

To Valerie Kaufman for all the hard work and patience in coordinating our flights. THANK YOU!!!!!

To Sarah Ng for beinga super Japanese tutor. DOMO ARIGATO!!!!!

To Tara Gratz, who helped turn Oscar’s dream into a reality and saved Joe from many sleepless nights. THANK YOU!!!!!

And finally, there are no words to fully express our gratitude to every parent of a U15 Trebol team player. As always, your commitment and generosity go well beyond the call of duty. THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Oscar and Joe

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